Why resolutions fail?

We know many things good to do yet we don’t. some of these we intend and decide but we don’t implement. New Year resolution is just like one of these. Resolvers can’t stick even for three months with their own resolutions. But you are not only who couldn’t achieve your New Year resolution. In fact, it is said that more than 80% end up breaking their self-setting regulations. More interestingly, most of the people’s resolution fails by the end of Second month.


Is it fruitful to make resolution?
 Intention, planning and effort does make resolution fruitful.

Most common resolutions?

  • giving up smoking
  • waking up Early
  • losing weight
  • improving relations
  • controlling drinking habits 

Why most of Resolutions fail?

Wanting instant change:

People want everything instantly. When they don’t see satisfactory change, they give up.

Lack of preparation:

Are you mentally and emotionally strong enough to leave your comfort zone behind? Being not prepared in advance triggers you to step back.

No support:

Family and loved one’s support play vital role in achieving your goal. Absence of motivation from them hardens struggle period.

Choosing the wrong one:

You are surely not achieving your goal if you have set resolution just seeing others’ doings. first of decide what is worthy for you and set your priority.


Tiny steps to achieve resolution.

Prepare first:
Once you really decide to go on implementation, be prepared first to deal with new environment mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and from all aspect.

Share resolution:
Setting and sharing resolution with family and friends will help you to achieve it. Their support will help you positively and their negative comment and sarcasm works as negative motivation.

Reward yourself:
In certain time interval evaluate the progress and reward yourself for keeping your goal up.

Enjoy the process:
Don’t rush for the result. Sometimes its not visible that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Good things do take time.

Dream while in actual living:
"Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is mystery but today is gift that is why it is called present”

Setting resolution, you already took a first steps towards betterment. But don’t stress yourself too much. Trying to improve is always good but always trying to improve may not be. Don’t kill yourself today for the sake of better tomorrow.

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