Python Learning Schedule

Week 1: Python Basics

Day 1: Introduction to Python Install Python and set up your IDE (VSCode, PyCharm, or Jupyter Notebook).
Learn about Python syntax, variables, and basic data types (int, float, string, bool).

Day 2: Operators and Data TypesStudy operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical).
Dive deeper into string manipulations and list operations.

Day 3: Control Structures Learn about if, else, and elif conditions.
Practice loops (for, while).

Day 4: Functions Understand the importance of functions.
Learn how to create functions and work with arguments and return values.

Day 5: Lists and TuplesStudy lists, list methods, and how to manipulate lists.
Understand tuples and how they differ from lists.

Day 6: Dictionaries and Sets Learn about dictionaries (key-value pairs) and set operations.

Day 7: Review Review the material from the week with small exercises.
Work on simple projects or challenges.

Week 2: Intermediate Python

Day 8: More Functions & Lambda Functions Explore functions with default arguments, variable-length arguments, and lambda functions.

Day 9: Error HandlingLearn about try, except, finally for error handling.

Day 10: File HandlingLearn how to read from and write to files in Python.

Day 11: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - Part 1Learn about classes, objects, and basic principles of OOP (encapsulation, inheritance).

Day 12: OOP - Part 2Dive deeper into OOP concepts: constructors, methods, and overriding.

Day 13: Modules and LibrariesLearn how to import built-in and third-party modules.
Introduction to libraries like math, datetime, and os.

Day 14: Review and Small Project Work on a mini-project applying OOP principles, file handling, and functions.
Week 3: Advanced Concepts

Day 15: Regular Expressions Learn how to use regular expressions for pattern matching in strings.

Day 16: Working with Data StructuresStudy advanced data structures like queues, stacks, and linked lists.

Day 17: Understanding Python Generators & IteratorsLearn about Python iterators and generators.

Day 18: Decorators and Context Managers Understand the concepts of decorators and context managers in Python.

Day 19: Multithreading and Multiprocessing Introduction to concurrent programming with threading and multiprocessing libraries.

Day 20: Working with APIs Learn how to make HTTP requests with requests and parse JSON data.

Day 21: Review and Practice Work on more complex challenges that incorporate everything you've learned.
Week 4: Projects and Final Practice

Day 22-24: Build a Project (1-2 days)Develop a small Python project based on your interests (e.g., a to-do app, a web scraper, or a weather app using an API).

Day 25-27: Testing and DebuggingLearn about debugging techniques and unit testing in Python.
Use unittest and pytest to test your code.

Day 28: Final Project & PortfolioComplete a final project.
Polish your code and add it to your portfolio.

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