Lessons from corona pandemic?


Individuals,institutions and governments seem to be miserable in front of novel Corona virus. The whole world is going through the bad time.Struggle for existence is principle of natural law.For the further existence of human beings the world is fighting against virus.And hope we will overcome this situation soon.
This is the situation,we wish; hadn't come. Corona has destroyed  lot of things. But Every hard time teaches you a lesson.Here are some lessons we have to learn from this pandemic for our better future.

Self sufficient

One thing for sure nobody denies is,to be self sufficient  is good .Cut off  of supply chain and scarcity of goods in lock down give a lesson to be self sufficient.There wouldn’t have much problems if we could manage our necessities by ourselves.

Whether its labor out sourcing or daily consumable objects importing,depending too much upon another country or state is not sustainable development model.Authorities and governments already knew this fact.Corona just reminded them once again. We got to see somewhere Scarcity and somewhere uncontrollable crowd of labor forces in lock down.

Healthy behaviors

There is saying that fears keeps people in discipline. Due to corona pandemic people are being more careful about daily life behavior regarding to health. There is significant drop in number of certain disease patients. These are diseases which are only there because of lacking of personal hygiene.


As many environmental researchers are saying that in this period of pandemic, Environment is smiling. Excessive and unsystematic Mining and quarrying, pollution and other various activities that have adverse effects on environments are paused.

It is hard but not impossible to go along with environment. Rather go slower in infrastructure development but without destruction of environment.


People have adequate time to stand still and rethink about they are actually doing. Otherwise they wouldn’t do. Knowingly or unknowingly they had left many things behind. And relations are one of those. People got to re-patch their relations who they are really matters to.

In some cases the relations were just a compromise.Leisure and closer proximity lead to crash their relation for a good reason. In another word these period made them realized that they couldn’t go on same boat anymore. The earlier they understood, the earlier they decide clear future.


Many businesses got affected by lock down. But those who incorporated technology with business faced less adverse impacts. Everybody has already agreed to build infrastructure in Information Technology. And this pandemic forced institution and governments not to delay in that process.

Migrate the system online based and automatic processing system or lose.Schools,Hospitals,shops and almost every sector needs to be upgraded to align with fast paced age.

Learn the lessons from today for better tomorrow. Again follow the rules that make you safer today.

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